Friday | 27.08.2021

19h Opening of the group exhibition ‘Contact’ at the Galerie der Sozialkasse des Berliner Baugewerbes (around the corner of the B.L.O. Ateliers)
20h Live concert at the B.L.O. Ateliers
Come by and look forward to like-minded people, analogue photography and good music. The legendary opening evening of the analogueNOW! PhotoWeekend promises to be a great event.

16 – 20h Pinhole camera construction

Saturday | 28.08.2021

10 – 19h ‘CONTACT’ group exhibition at the Galerie der Sozialkasse des Berliner Baugewerbes

10 – 18h Manufacturer Fair – B.L.O. Kantine
With interesting, well-known and new manufacturers and service providers for all things analogue photography.

10 – 18h Demos & Presentations – B.L.O. Kantine
Creative and cultural projects all around analogue photography introduce themselves on the stage of the B.L.O. Kantine. Check the schedule here!

15 – 18h Show&TellB.L.O. Kantine
Artists and photographers present their analogue works or projects related to analogue photography on the table to the audience – lively exchange included.

17h Guided tour through the group exhibition ‘CONTACT’ with artist talk – at the Galerie

19 – 21h Film screening – B.L.O. Kantine
Our friends of the Dresdner Schmalfilmtage take over the program and show, on real film, a “best-of” of the productions and programs of recent years. Plus the results of the Super 8 workshop developed in Kompostol (!). Whether if it’s a silent or sound film: our projectors will definitely flickering!

11 – 14h PhotoWalk
10 – 14h Pinhole camera construction
11 – 15h Viva Kompostol – Super 8 and ecoprocessing
11 – 13h Chemigram
14 – 17h B&W development
18 – 21h B&W printing

Sunday | 29.08.2021

10 – 17h ‘CONTACT’ group exhibition at the Galerie der Sozialkasse des Berliner Baugewerbes

10 – 17h Flea market – B.L.O. Ateliers
Buy, sell, trade! analogueNOW! has invited some specialist dealers for analogue photo equipment so that you can find new (old) treasures!

10 – 17h Demos & Presentations – B.L.O. Ateliers
Creative and cultural projects all around analogue photography introduce themselves on the stage of the B.L.O. Kantine. Check the schedule here!

11 – 14h Show&TellB.L.O. Kantine
Artists and photographers present their analogue works or projects related to analogue photography on the table to the audience – lively exchange included.

12h Guided tour through the group exhibition ‘CONTACT’ with artist talk – at the Galerie

12’30 Uhr Talk by analogueNOW! at the Berlin Photo Week (Haubentaucher at RAW-Gelände, 2 S-Bahn stations away from B.L.O. Ateliers): “What’s up with film photography? – Why young people choose film”

11 – 14h PhotoWalk
10 – 14h 3-Color Cyanotype
10 – 14h Color Printing (RA-4)
15 – 18h Color development (C-41)
15 – 19h Large format – Color reversal process