human, material, moment / 13×18 negative development on paper

Instructor: Antje Kröger
Date / Time: Sunday 2023.06.04 11am-5pm •
Location: FotografieInBerlin •
Number of participants: max 6 Teilnehmer:innen •
costs p.person: 150€ / 120€* •

Many photographic processes are expensive and/or quite environmentally unfriendly. That’s why I load the cassettes of my beloved DDR-Mentor large format camera directly with photo paper. This is how I photograph my artistic series, and this is what I will show you at this workshop. In the practical part, each of you will produce your own so-called paper negatives with the large format camera. No paper is
bought new. It comes to me from various sources. The procurement of my materials is the first creative process of my work.

Today you get to be creative together with the group. Photograph your fellow workshop participants. Self-portraits are also possible. Together we load the cassettes in the darkroom with the paper, together we discover the old large format camera. I support you with the individual steps of the photo-artistic process of creation. At the end we go to the darkroom to develop the paper negatives. Because in principle this analog process is an instant photo process. You can then hold your work in your hands and, of course, take them home.” — Antje Kröger

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler

Analogue vintage portraits

Instructor: Sabine Alex

Date / Time: Saturday 03.06.2023, 12am-2pm and 3pm-5pm
Location: Festival room, mobile duka
costs: 10€ per photo/ each additional print 5€*

Like in a photo booth, you can have an analogue portrait of yourself. Photographs are taken with an analogue large format camera. The photo is developed live together with you in the mobile darkroom bus and you then hold your individual black and white photo in your hands.

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler

TinType Portraits

Photographer: Maximilian Zeitler

Date / Time: Sunday 04.06.2023 at 10am-4pm
Location: Festival space
Cost p.person: 50€ / 40€*

Are you ready to step back in time and experience the magic of traditional photography? Join us for a Tintype Portrait Session with photographer Maximilian Zeitler at analogueNOW! on June 4th.

Using a 4×5″ large format camera, Max will create a Tintype portrait with you. The result is a one-of-a-kind, stunning image that you and your loved ones will cherish for a lifetime. Don’t miss this unforgettable opportunity to create a timeless portrait using a traditional photographic process. Limited spots are available, so book your session now and secure your place.

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler


Instructor: Sabine Alex
Date / Time: Sunday 04.06.2023 at 10am-3pm •
Location: Mobile Duka •
Number of participants: max 3 (age 16+) •
Cost p.person: 150€ / 120€* •

Photo paper has a light-sensitive layer – the emulsion. In this workshop you will learn how to bring the emulsion to an absorbent carrier material and use it like photographic paper after drying. Photographic images will be created on wood, cardboard and fabric. The attractive thing is the interaction of the graphic character of the photograph and the structure and color of the carrier material.

Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie 2017 | Mobile Dunkelkammer | FOTO. Lys Y. Seng

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler

Two colored Cyanotype

Instructor: Sehera Nawaz
Date / Time: Friday 02.06.2023 — 1pm – 5pm •
Location: Mahlowerstr. 1, 12049 Berlin •
Teilnehmerzahl: max 6 Teilnehmer:innen •
Preis: 120€ / 96€* •

Cyanotype is an old analogue photo printing technique developed in 1842. Instead of silver grains – as in the classical black/white-photography – one develops very stable pigments in prussian blue (or berlin blue). Also: one only needs water for the fixation and the chemicals are in most concentrations nontoxic for the environment and yourself.
This course will focus on printing two colored Cyanotypes. You will be able to print your own Photo and experiment with color variants and toning.
Even if you have expeirance in printing Cyanotypes, this course can be very interesting for you.

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler

The hole world – Awfullogrammes 3

Instructor: Justin Quinnell
Date / Time: Saturday 03.06.2023 at 3pm-5pm •
Location: FotografieInBerlin •
Number of participants: max 15 •
costs p.person: 30€ / 24€* •

A 2 hour pinhole adventure of beer can pinhole photography featuring: the ‘I-can’ camera, awfullogrammes and solargraphy. 
Come along and discover the second most useful thing you can use a beer can and take your own unique Awfullogramme pinhole passport photo!

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler

pinhole camera build and take photos

Instructor: Markus Kaesler
Date / Time: Friday and Sunday 02.+04.06.2023 um 10am-4pm •
Location: festival location, workshop room •
Number of participants: max 6 •
costs p.person: 240€ / 192€* (two days) •

The workshop is aimed at anyone who wants to immerse themselves in the large-format world of lens-free photography and who has always wanted to build their own pinhole camera out of wood. The two-day workshop is intended to lay the foundations for discovering the creative potential of pinhole photography.

The course participants learn to work with their self-made 4×5″ camera and thus get a tool at hand with which they can also deal with the technology in the long term.

On the first day, the different possibilities of creating images with this minimalist recording technique will be highlighted and pinhole cameras made of wood with a tripod thread for the use of 4×5″ sheet film cassettes will be built.

On the second day, the focus is on taking photos with these self-made cameras. After a brief introduction to b/w paper processing, exposed paper negatives can be developed and contact copies can be used to create positives.

Participants should bring a 4×5″ sheet film cassette, a tripod and an exposure meter (or app).

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler

Filming and tricking with the Bolex on 16mm film

Instructor: Jan Nordsieck •
Date / Time: Saturday 03.06.2023 um 10am-4pm •
Location: Festival space, workshop room •
Number of participants: max 6 •
costs p.person: 190€ / 152€* •

A little experiment and trick, a little Dada! In this year’s film workshop we grab a mechanical Bolex, the camera that has been known worldwide for decades and to this day as a small Swiss army knife by avant-garde filmmakers, as well as by students and passionate amateurs to adventurers far away from civilization. It is so well known because it offers far more possibilities than just filming. Using Dadaist approaches to poetry production, we will come up with ideas for a small short film, which we will then shoot and later develop. We will try to figure out and apply all the little tricks and possibilities of the camera from multiple exposures to time lapse and stretching to double shots and much more. The workshop focuses on experimenting with the camera, exploring its possibilities and those of the medium of film, tricking and playing. And when the film has dried after developing, there is a small screening. The workshop is aimed at beginners as well as advanced users. Filming and developing skills are helpful but not essential.

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler

Lecture on ANALOG photo retouching of black and white photos with advanced users

Leitung: Jochen Rohner •
Datum / Uhrzeit: Samstag 03.06.2023 um 15:30h •
Ort: Kirche / Empore •
Teilnehmerzahl: max 15 Menschen •
Preis: 10€ / 8€* •

Vortrag, Diskussion und Erläuterungen zur ANALOGEN Photoretusche von Schwarzweiss Photos mit Fortgeschrittenen.    

(*) Ermäßigung ist möglich für Schwerbehinderte, SchülerInnen, BerufsschülerInnen, Studierende, Auszubildende, RentnerInnen, Arbeitslose, BFDler und FKJler

Lecture, discussion: Errors and improvements of black and white photos for advanced users

Lecturer: Jochen Rohner
Date / Time: Saturday 03.06.2023 12am •
Location: Festival space •
Number of participants: max 15 •
Costs p.person: 10€ / 8€* •

Lecture, discussion and explanation of possible errors and improvements of black and white photos for advanced users who have already developed and enlarged photos themselves several times!! (RC and barite photos. Please bring examples!!

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler