Filming and tricking with the Bolex on 16mm film
Instructor: Jan Nordsieck •
Date / Time: Saturday 03.06.2023 um 10am-4pm •
Location: Festival space, workshop room •
Number of participants: max 6 •
costs p.person: 190€ / 152€* •

A little experiment and trick, a little Dada! In this year’s film workshop we grab a mechanical Bolex, the camera that has been known worldwide for decades and to this day as a small Swiss army knife by avant-garde filmmakers, as well as by students and passionate amateurs to adventurers far away from civilization. It is so well known because it offers far more possibilities than just filming. Using Dadaist approaches to poetry production, we will come up with ideas for a small short film, which we will then shoot and later develop. We will try to figure out and apply all the little tricks and possibilities of the camera from multiple exposures to time lapse and stretching to double shots and much more. The workshop focuses on experimenting with the camera, exploring its possibilities and those of the medium of film, tricking and playing. And when the film has dried after developing, there is a small screening. The workshop is aimed at beginners as well as advanced users. Filming and developing skills are helpful but not essential.

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler
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