human, material, moment / 13×18 negative development on paper
Instructor: Antje Kröger •
Date / Time: Sunday 2023.06.04 11am-5pm •
Location: FotografieInBerlin •
Number of participants: max 6 Teilnehmer:innen •
costs p.person: 150€ / 120€* •
“Many photographic processes are expensive and/or quite environmentally unfriendly. That’s why I load the cassettes of my beloved DDR-Mentor large format camera directly with photo paper. This is how I photograph my artistic series, and this is what I will show you at this workshop. In the practical part, each of you will produce your own so-called paper negatives with the large format camera. No paper is
bought new. It comes to me from various sources. The procurement of my materials is the first creative process of my work.
Today you get to be creative together with the group. Photograph your fellow workshop participants. Self-portraits are also possible. Together we load the cassettes in the darkroom with the paper, together we discover the old large format camera. I support you with the individual steps of the photo-artistic process of creation. At the end we go to the darkroom to develop the paper negatives. Because in principle this analog process is an instant photo process. You can then hold your work in your hands and, of course, take them home.” — Antje Kröger

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler