Enlarging BLACK & WHITE negatives for beginners
Instructor: Jochen Rohner •
Date / Time: Friday 02.06.2023 10am-2pm •
Location: Laboratory Jochen Rohner •
Number of participants: max 6 •
Costs p.person: 75€ / 60€* •
Material costs: 10€ p.person •
Enlarging BLACK/WHITE negatives for beginners, from your own B/W negatives (on RC paper) that you brought with you, the absolutely most important basics!
A few keywords: darkroom, red light, enlarger, photo paper, chemicals, …
As a result, each participant should take home one or more self-enlarged photos.
(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler
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