pinhole camera build and take photos
Instructor: Markus Kaesler •
Date / Time: Friday and Sunday 02.+04.06.2023 um 10am-4pm •
Location: festival location, workshop room •
Number of participants: max 6 •
costs p.person: 240€ / 192€* (two days) •
The workshop is aimed at anyone who wants to immerse themselves in the large-format world of lens-free photography and who has always wanted to build their own pinhole camera out of wood. The two-day workshop is intended to lay the foundations for discovering the creative potential of pinhole photography.
The course participants learn to work with their self-made 4×5″ camera and thus get a tool at hand with which they can also deal with the technology in the long term.
On the first day, the different possibilities of creating images with this minimalist recording technique will be highlighted and pinhole cameras made of wood with a tripod thread for the use of 4×5″ sheet film cassettes will be built.
On the second day, the focus is on taking photos with these self-made cameras. After a brief introduction to b/w paper processing, exposed paper negatives can be developed and contact copies can be used to create positives.
Participants should bring a 4×5″ sheet film cassette, a tripod and an exposure meter (or app).
(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler
Online ticket sales for this event are closed.