The analogueNOW! Photo Weekend 2019 offers a variety of workshops on the subject of analogue photography. The creative experimentation in a group and experiment in the darkroom is one of the highlights at our events. Therefore, we have put together a colorful and varied workshop program for you this year.

For workshop registration write a mail to

• The number of participants is limited in all workshops.
• All workshops have a minimum age of 16 years
• Discounts are possible for disabled, students, apprentices, pensioners, unemployed, BFDs and FKJs!

This years workshops are:

Black and White Photo Walk

SAT| May 18th 2019 | 10am – 1 pm
SUN| May 19th 2019 | 10am – 1 pm

Among a group of fellow analogue enthusiasts, you will learn how to apply concepts such as aperture, ISO, shutter speed etc. with your own analogue camera. We will explore the Berlin cityscape around the BLO-Ateliers as a photographic motive. At the end, you will have an exposed black and white film of 36 images. Please bring a analogue SLR for 35mm format or medium format camera (120mm).

*** HIGHLIGHT ***  The team from the camera store Safelight Berlin will provide a variety of cameras to rent on Saturday for a fee andwill also guides the photo walk on Saturday.

Price: 35 €/ 30 €
Participants: 10

Black & White Film Development

SAT | May 18th 2017 | 1 pm – 3pm

Discover the world of black and white film development in the darkroom. Along with other participants you will learn how to develop a B&W film, following every step of the process: developing,watering, drying and archiving. Experience the magic moment when you take your self-developed film out of the developer tank to find out how your images look. Learn the tricks of the darkroom under professional guidance. After this workshop you can take a further workshop on B&W printing to take the next step. Please bring an exposed B&W film (such as Ilford HP5, FP4, Kodak Tri-X 400, Kodak T-Max 100 and 400, APX 100 and 400, Fomapan 100, 200, 400, Adox Silvermax, etc.) You don’t have an exposed film at home? No problem -Just take part in one of our festival’s photo walks and learn how to expose B&W film on your own.

Price: 40€ / 35€
Participants: 4

Black and White Printing

SAT| May 18th 2019 | 4 pm – 7 pm

Discover the world of black and white photo printing in the darkroom. Along with other participants you learn how to print a B&W positive using negative photo paper, how to develop it and how to dry it. Experience the magic moment, when the image appears while swimming slowly in the developer tray. Learn the tricks of the darkroom work under professional guidance. Please bring B&W-negatives of 35mm or medium format. You have no negatives of your own? No problem. Just take part in one of our festival photowalks and learn how to expose B&W film on your own. During the subsequent workshop on B&W film development after the photowalk, you can directly learn how to develop the film yourself.

Price: 60 € / 55€
Participants: 4

Pinhole DIY

SUN | May 19th, 2019 | 10am – 1pm

Taking photos with a coffee can? Impossible? Of course not! Applying the basic principles of photography, you only need a black box with a tiny hole and a light-sensitive photo paper or film to take a picture. Build your own pinhole camera and picture your personal analogueNOW! photoweekend into an analogue photo, which you will later develop. After the workshop all the resulting photos and cameras will be presented and evaluated, and after that you can take them home with you!
The empty coffee cans are provided, so there is nothing to bring.

Price: 60€/ 55€
Participants: 10


SUN | May 19th, 2019 | 2pm – 5pm

Cyanotype is an old analogue photo printing technique developed in 1842. Instead of silver grains – as in the classical black/white-photography – one develops very stable pigments in prussian blue (or berlin blue). Also: one only needs water for the fixation and the chemicals are in most concentrations nontoxic for the environment and yourself. So you can completely focus on the artistic process.

In 3 exciting hours you will learn this creative technique and will print your own photos on different papers. Once printed the pictures can be toned with coffee or tea. Your pictures will appear in a different light and you will not only take your artwork, but also a lot of knowledge about alternative photography.

Price: 60€/ 55€
Participants: 6