Entries by analoguenow

Lecture, discussion: Errors and improvements of black and white photos for advanced users

Lecturer: Jochen Rohner • Date / Time: Saturday 03.06.2023 12am • Location: Festival space • Number of participants: max 15 • Costs p.person: 10€ / 8€* • Lecture, discussion and explanation of possible errors and improvements of black and white photos for advanced users who have already developed and enlarged photos themselves several times!! (RC […]

Advanced enlarging of your own BLACK/WHITE negatives

Instructor: Jochen Rohner • Date / Time: Friday 02.06.2023 3pm-7pm • Location: Laboratory Jochen Rohner • Number of participants: max 6 • Costs p.person: 90€ / 72€* • Material costs: 20€ p.person • Advanced enlarging of your own BLACK/WHITE negatives (fibre-base paper, barite paper) This course is aimed at people who have already enlarged images […]

BLACK&WHITE advanced film development

Leitung: Jochen Rohner • Datum / Uhrzeit: Donnerstag 01.06.2023 15h-18h • Ort: Labor Jochen Rohner • Teilnehmerzahl: max 8 Menschen • Preis: 75€ / 60€* • Professionelle Infos zur SCHWARZ/WEISS-Filmentwicklung für Fortgeschrittene, Nerds, Kontrollfreaks, + Menschen die einfach nur bessere Negative haben wollen. Ich erkläre, wie MEINE Filmentwicklung abläuft. (Und WARUM!!) Ich möchte alle möglichen und unmöglichen […]

Enlarging BLACK & WHITE negatives for beginners

Instructor: Jochen Rohner • Date / Time: Friday 02.06.2023 10am-2pm • Location: Laboratory Jochen Rohner • Number of participants: max 6 • Costs p.person: 75€ / 60€* • Material costs: 10€ p.person • Enlarging BLACK/WHITE negatives for beginners, from your own B/W negatives (on RC paper) that you brought with you, the absolutely most important […]

creative painting on negatives & scanning process

Instructor: Rüdiger Schestag • Date / Time: Saturday 3. Juni 3pm-4:30pm • Location: Festival space • participants: max 6 • cost: 5€ | 4€ • In the workshop we experiment with color and black and white 35mm negatives. We paint the emulsion side and scan the result. Then the negative-positive conversion in Photoshop is explained […]

BIER² meetup – Filmentwicklung mit Bier, und Bier trinken

Wusstest du dass man mit Bier schwarzweiß Film entwickeln kann? Seid herzlich eingeladen zum BIER² meetup, wir wollen über unseren Berliner Tellerrand blicken und möchten uns mit der Leipziger analog Fotografie Community vernetzen. Dazu werden wir uns mit Bier eindecken und euch im Foyer des Grassi Museums Empfangen, wer neugierig ist die Bier-Entwicklung auszuprobieren, bringt […]

meetup #4 Wet plate demo – Daniel Samanns

For this month’s meetup we have something special: We’ll visit the group exhibition ‘D E C A M E R O N’ organized by Wet Plate Berlin at the Galerie Falkonier, where Daniel Samanns will demonstrate the Collodium or Wet plate process. Stunning!27.02. 18:00 – Galerie Falkonier, Werderscher Markt 12, 10117 Berlin.

meetup #3 at Foto Klub Kollektiv

Friday Janurary 31st 2020 6:30pm Silbersteinstraße 133, 12051 Berlin For this month’s meetup we are thrilled to be guests at the FK-Kollektiv (https://fk-kollektiv.com). Darkroom, studio, gallery and photographer’s collective, join us and discover this wonderful space, while some of its artists show on the table what they’ve been working on. Don’t miss out!

meetup #2 Show & Tell at Foto Kotti

Our second meetup will be held at the wonderful Foto Kotti. Analogue photographers and artists come together and present their projects to the audience. Whether as prints on the table, fanzine, photobook or projected on the wall, everyone gets 20 minutes. After which there is room for discussion, feedback and get-together. Do you have a […]

meetup #1 Bildlesung bei Roland Behrmann

Join the brand-new analogueNOW! MeetUp! After a long break, our regular events are back in full swing! In this first event, we are thrilled to be guests of the analogue photographer Roland Behrmann (http://www.behrmann-fotografie.de/), who will show his new presentation format, the “Bildlesung” (Achtung! In German and English!). Ronald will eventually have some surprises ready… so don’t […]