{:de}Einführung in die Phyto-Lumen-Kunst mit Aindreas Scholz{:}{:en}Introduction to Phyto-Lumen Art with Aindreas Scholz{:}


Die Veranstaltung richtet sich sowohl an Anfänger*innen als Fortgeschrittene die auf unkonventionelle Weise mit photosensiblen Materialien arbeiten möchten. Taucht ein in die kreativen Möglichkeiten der analogen und kameralosen Fotografie! 

Lumen Prints sind Fotogramme, die durch Überbelichtung von Fotopapier mit UV-Licht entstehen. Beim Phytogramm werden die Gerbstoffe von Pflanzen in den Prozess der Bildentstehung einbezogen. Die Kombination der beiden Techniken kann traumhaft, überraschende Bilder hervorbringen, die in ihrer Existenz einzigartig sind.

Mit einem Fokus auf künstlerische Kompositionen werden die Teilnehmenden eigene Ideen entwickeln und mit verschiedenen Materialien experimentieren. Besonders Pflanzen und botanische Strukturen kommen hier zum Einsatz.

Inhalte des Workshops:

  • Historische und aktuelle Verwendung von Lumenprints und Phytogrammen
  • Sichere Vorbereitung der benötigten Chemikalien
  • Vorbereitung verschiedener Pflanzenexemplare für den Druck
  • Belichten, Entwickeln, Fixieren und Waschen der Prints
  • Schutz, Lagerung und Archivierung von Abzügen

Freut euch auf interaktive Diskussionen und persönliche Betreuung während des gesamten Workshops. 

Samstag 24. Mai | 13-16h

Dauer: 3 Stunden

Minimale Teilnehmer*innenzahl: 5

Maximale Teilnehmer*innenzahl: 12


Instagram: @aindreasscholz


This workshop is designed for both beginners and experienced photographers who want to explore light-sensitive materials in unconventional ways. Immerse yourself in the creative possibilities of analog and cameraless photography!

Lumen prints are photograms created by overexposing photographic paper to UV light, while the phytogram technique integrates the natural tannins of plants into the image-making process. Combining these methods results in unique, unexpected, and often stunning images.

With a focus on artistic composition, participants will develop their own ideas and experiment with a variety of materials, particularly plants and botanical structures.

Contents of the workshop:

  • The historical and contemporary use of lumen prints and phytograms
  • Safe handling and preparation of the necessary chemicals
  • Techniques for preparing plant materials for printing
  • Exposing, developing, fixing, and washing prints
  • Best practices for protecting, storing, and archiving your artwork

Expect an engaging, hands-on experience with interactive discussions and personalized guidance throughout the workshop.

Saturday May 24 | 13-16h

Duration: 3 hours

Minimum number of participants: 5

Maximum number of participants: 12


Instagram: @aindreasscholz


{:de}Boden Chromatographie: Eine foto-chemische Spurensuche{:}{:en}Soil Chromatography: A Photo-Chemical Exploration of the Earth {:}


Mit Aindreas Scholz

In diesem Workshop erlebt ihr Fotografie mal ganz anders, denn er verbindet wissenschaftliche Analyse mit künstlerischer Erkundung. 

Die Boden-Chromatographie ist eine Methode, um die Eigenschaften des Bodens sichtbar zu machen. Mit Hilfe von lichtsensiblen Chemikalien aus der analogen Fotografie und speziellem Filterpapier werden Erdproben auf ihre Zusammensetzung untersucht. Landwirte erkennen an den Farben, Mustern und Strukturen der Ergebnisse, wie lebendig und fruchtbar der Boden ist.

Teilnehmende sind eingeladen, eigene Erdproben von verschiedenen Orten mitzubringen und diese im Kurs zu untersuchen.

Folgende Inhalte erwarten euch:

  • Einführung in die Geschichte der Boden-Chromatographie
  • Vorbereiten der Lösungen
  • Herstellung von Bodenextrakten
  • Arbeit mit dem Filterpapier
  • Interpretation, Bewertung und Diskussion

Sonntag 25. Mai | 11-14h

Dauer: 3 Stunden

Minimale Teilnehmer*innenzahl: 5

Maximale Teilnehmer*innenzahl: 12


Instagram: @aindreasscholz


With Aindreas Scholz

In this workshop, you’ll experience photography in a completely new way, as it combines scientific analysis with artistic exploration.

Soil chromatography is a method used to make the properties of soil visible. By using light-sensitive chemicals from analog photography and special filter paper, soil samples are analyzed for their composition. Farmers can interpret the colors, patterns, and structures of the results to understand how healthy and fertile the soil is.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own soil samples from different locations to examine them during the course.

What to expect:

  • Introduction to the history of soil chromatography
  • Preparing the solutions
  • Creating soil extracts
  • Working with filter paper
  • Interpretation, evaluation, and discussion

Sunday May 25 | 11-14h

Duration: 3 hours

Minimum number of participants: 5

Maximum number of participants: 12


Instagram: @aindreasscholz


With Aindreas Scholz

In this workshop, you’ll experience photography in a completely new way, as it combines scientific analysis with artistic exploration.

Soil chromatography is a method used to make the properties of soil visible. By using light-sensitive chemicals from analog photography and special filter paper, soil samples are analyzed for their composition. Farmers can interpret the colors, patterns, and structures of the results to understand how healthy and fertile the soil is.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own soil samples from different locations to examine them during the course.

What to expect:

  • Introduction to the history of soil chromatography
  • Preparing the solutions
  • Creating soil extracts
  • Working with filter paper
  • Interpretation, evaluation, and discussion

Sunday May 25 | 11-14h

Duration: 3 hours

Minimum number of participants: 5

Maximum number of participants: 12


Instagram: @aindreasscholz


RA4 direct positive large format workshop

The RA4 process is a direct positive process where you get colored positives straight out of the camera.
Color paper is used, which is actually negative paper for enlarging images from analogue negatives.
Through a special chemical process und filtering, however, you can get positives that are not completely neutral in color and therefore look very similar to old Polaroids. The nice thing about it is that you hold the paper image in your hands practically a few minutes after taking the picture.

There is a particular challenge in lighting und exposure due to the low sensitivity of the paper and the correct filtering to neutralize color casts. In this workshop we practice using the camera, filtering when taking pictures and developing the positives.

We practice taking portrait photos. At the end of the workshop, everyone can hold a photo they have taken themselves in their hands.

The workshop will be held in German and, if required, in English.

Date: Sunday, 25th May 2025
Time: 11:45h
Duration: 2h
Location: Galerie Friedrichshain

Making and working with plant based developers, workshop presented by the Sustainable Darkroom

In this half day workshop you will be introduced to the work of Sustainable Darkroom, an artist run charity working towards a more ecological future for photography. Hannah Fletcher and Edd Carr from Sustainable Darkroom will teach a comprehensive workshop in making and working with plant based developers. These are developers activated by ascorbate and characterised by plants. During the session we will expose and develop several rolls of black and white film in the garden. You will learn how to make your own developers from household ingredients + local plant matter and use it to develop the black and white films. During the process, Hannah and Edd will also share insights into using this developer across paper based prints and moving image.

After the workshop, we will scan all the images made for you to keep as digital files.

Sat. May 24, 1 – 5 pm

Price: reduced 60€ / full 75€

Duration: 4 Hours 

Bring: A notebook and pen, 35mm camera (optional), an old plastic water bottle to take your developer home in (optional)
The workshop will be held in English

The Sustainable Darkroom
Run by Hannah Fletcher | Edd Carr

@sustainabledarkroom | Sustainable Darkroom  Registered Charity Number 1209088

Ecology & Image, lecture presented by the Sustainable Darkroom

Is an ecological future for photography possible? The threat of ecological collapse becomes a near certainty, and in times of crisis, the need for reform is urgent. But when it comes to the arts, most of the discussion falls on content – with our use of materials swept under the rug.

Photography – as a product of mass consumption – is embroiled in a legacy of toxic materials. Whether it is silver waste in analogue, or mounds of digital microchips – photography is ripe for ecological transformation. Join us for a lecture by Hannah Fletcher and Edd Carr from Sustainable Darkroom as they talk about the work of The Sustainable Darkroom, photographic histories and ideologies.

The talk will reinforce the idea that Sustainable Darkroom practice is not just about material fixes – but a wholesale transformation of the way we understand and relate to the practice of photography.
The lecture will be held in English

Price: reduced 16€ / full €20

Duration: 1,5 Hours 

Bring: A notebook and pen