Submissions are closed. Thank you for participating!

The next round of the analogueNOW! Photo Weekend is around the corner. This years theme will be material.

In our Open Call we’d like to know and see from you:

What do you understand by material? Do you use material documentarily, substantially or do you interpret the term from a more technical point of view – are there any intersections? Do you consider material the starting point or the center of your creative work? How do your desires, dreams, and ideas translate into the materials you use?

We are looking for single pieces of work (no series). At least one step in the process must be done analog. Please send copies of your work with information about the material and size until 21st of April 2019 to:
We will get in touch with the selected artists by the end of April so that the original pieces can be submitted.

The festival takes place on the grounds of the BLO-Ateliers in Berlin from May 17thto 19th.

The expenses for the creation/printing of the exhibited images and for the transportation to and from the exhibition have to be paid and organized by the participant. The analogueNOW! – Team cannot bear any liability for the pieces.

Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to stay up to date.