Introduction to Phyto-Lumen Art with Aindreas Scholz

This workshop is designed for both beginners and experienced photographers who want to explore light-sensitive materials in unconventional ways. Immerse yourself in the creative possibilities of analog and cameraless photography!

Lumen prints are photograms created by overexposing photographic paper to UV light, while the phytogram technique integrates the natural tannins of plants into the image-making process. Combining these methods results in unique, unexpected, and often stunning images.

With a focus on artistic composition, participants will develop their own ideas and experiment with a variety of materials, particularly plants and botanical structures.

Contents of the workshop:

  • The historical and contemporary use of lumen prints and phytograms
  • Safe handling and preparation of the necessary chemicals
  • Techniques for preparing plant materials for printing
  • Exposing, developing, fixing, and washing prints
  • Best practices for protecting, storing, and archiving your artwork

Expect an engaging, hands-on experience with interactive discussions and personalized guidance throughout the workshop.

Saturday May 24 | 13-16h

Duration: 3 hours

Minimum number of participants: 5

Maximum number of participants: 12


Instagram: @aindreasscholz