Schlagwortarchiv für: analoguenow

{:en}EXCESS{:}{:de}EXCESS{:} #2


Internationaler Open Call für analoge Fotografie

Open Call Deadline: 28. Januar 2024

Ausstellungsdauer: 22. März – 10. Mai 2024

Nach der erfolgreichen Ausstellung “Transition” im Jahr 2022 freuen sich die Fotogalerie Friedrichshain und analogueNOW!, ihre zweite kuratorische Zusammenarbeit anzukündigen und laden Filmfotograf*innen und Künstler*innen, die mit analogen Techniken arbeiten, zur Teilnahme an der kommenden internationalen Gruppenausstellung zum Thema “Excess” ein.

The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom – William Blake

Oft wird Exzess in einem negativen Licht gesehen: sei es, dass wir Grenzen überschreiten, wie z. B. die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung und damit ein Bußgeld riskieren, sei es, dass wir rücksichtslos Ressourcen verbrauchen, wie z. B. durch die Abholzung von Wäldern, und damit schwerwiegende Folgen für die Umwelt in Kauf nehmen, oder sei es, dass er, wenn er mit Vergnügen verbunden ist, oft mit Schuldgefühlen und der Gefahr oder sogar dem Tod einhergeht.

In unserem persönlichen Leben kann sich Exzess als Mittel zur Selbstschädigung oder zum Selbstausdruck sowohl auf körperlicher als auch auf geistiger Ebene manifestieren. Man kann es an übermäßigem Genuss von Essen und Alkohol, Drogenmissbrauch und sogar an psychischen Krankheiten beobachten, die durch ein Übermaß an Emotionen gekennzeichnet sind, die nach Ansicht der Gesellschaft “reguliert” werden sollten. In der analogen Fotografie wird ein Übermaß an Bewegung oder Belichtungszeit oft als Hindernis für das Erreichen optimaler Ergebnisse angesehen und als Fehler betrachtet.

Das Konzept des Exzesses ist von Natur aus im Verhältnis zu einer Norm. Während einige Fälle von Exzess unsere Aufmerksamkeit erfordern, um Schaden zu verhindern, rechtfertigen andere die Frage: Wer oder was bestimmt, was exzessiv ist und was mit der Norm übereinstimmt? Wann sollte die Norm respektiert werden, und wann und wie sollte sie hinterfragt oder herausgefordert werden?

Exzess kann als Abweichung oder Problem wahrgenommen werden, aber für manche ist er auch ein Mittel, um sich von gesellschaftlichen Normen zu lösen, ein entscheidender Schritt im Leben oder eine Forderung nach mehr Freiheit. Ist es etwas, das man zurückhalten muss, oder könnte es der “Weg zur Weisheit” sein?

Teilnahme am Open call: Projekte und Bewerbung

Für unsere kommende Ausstellung laden wir Künstlerinnen und Künstler ein, sich mit dem Konzept des “Exzesses” auseinanderzusetzen, der uns umgibt, sei es aus sozialer, ökologischer, politischer oder intimer Sicht, oder auch im Rahmen der analogen fotografischen Verfahren.

Wir geben das Thema frei zur Interpretation und begrüßen andere Lesarten des Themas. Die eingereichten Projekte sollten aktuell sein: entweder in Arbeit oder in den letzten 5 Jahren abgeschlossen. Langfristige Projekte, die vor Jahren begonnen und kürzlich abgeschlossen wurden (innerhalb der letzten 5 Jahre) oder noch laufen, werden akzeptiert. In diesem Sinne können auch Arbeiten ein- gereicht werden, die auf Archivmaterial beruhen. Um berücksichtigt zu werden, müssen die Projekte ganz oder teilweise analoge fotografische Verfahren verwenden. Kameralose Projekte werden ebenfalls akzeptiert.

22. März – 10. Mai 2024

Leitlinie für die EInreichungen
Bitte halte dich genau an die Richtlinien.

  • Reiche bis zu 15 Bilder im JPG-Format ein (1600 Pixel auf der längsten Seite), die Dateinamen sollen wie folgt benannt werden: nachname-01.jpg, nachname-02.jpg, nachname-03.jpg, usw.
  • Außerdem benötigen wir PDF-Dokument mit deinen persönlichen Angaben (vollständiger Name, Wohnort, E-Mail, Website/Instagram), einer kurzen Biografie (bis zu 50 Wörter) und einer kurzen künstlerischen Stellungnahme zu deinem Beitrag (bis zu 150 Wörter).

Sende alle Dateien und das PDF-Dokument per Wetransfer an

Die ausgewählten Fotograf*innen werden bis zum 18. Februar benachrichtigt.

  • Kosten: Die Teilnahme an dem Open Call kostet 12 Euro pro eingereichter Projekt. Für Projekte, die bis zum 31. Dezember eingereicht werden, gibt es einen Earlybird Preis von 7 Euro. Um die Einreichunggebühren zu bezahlen, bitte kaufe einen Ticket, siehe unten. Die Bezahlung erfolgt via Paypal.
  • Die gesamte Einreichungsgebühr wird ausschließlich zur Finanzierung der Honorare der ausgewählten Künstler verwendet.

Wenn Du Fragen hast oder Erläuterungen zum Einreichungsverfahren benötigst, schreib uns gerne: oder

Ausstellungswerke / -drucke

Um an der Ausstellung teilzunehmen, können die ausgewählten Fotografen:

  • Entweder Versand oder persönliche Übergabe der Ausstellungswerke an die Fotogalerie Friedrichshain. Die Kosten für den Versand der Abzüge zur Galerie (und von der Galerie zurück zur/m Künstler*in am Ende der Ausstellung) sind von den Künstler*innenn selbst zu tragen.
  • Oder du lässt deine Bilder in Berlin bei der Fotogalerie Friedrichshain drucken. Die Druckkosten werden den Künstler*innen in Rechnung gestellt.

Ausgewählte Fotograf*innen erhalten Anweisungen zum Versand ihrer Bilder oder zur Übermittlung ihrer hochauflösenden digitalen Dateien für den Druck. Möglichkeiten der Rahmung müssen vor dem Versand besprochen werden. Die Fotogalerie hat eine breite Auswahl von Rahmen zur Verfügung.


Die Fotograf*innen behalten die vollen Rechte an ihren Bildern. Fotograf*innen, deren Einreichungen ausgewählt werden, räumen der Fotogalerie Friedrichshain und analogueNOW! das nicht-exklusive Recht ein, ihre Bilder zum Zwecke der Bewerbung der Künstler, der Ausstellung und der damit verbundenen Programme sowie der anschließenden Darstellung auf den Webseiten der Fotogalerie
Friedrichshain und analogueNOW! und in den sozialen Medien sowie den Online-Ausstellungskanälen zu verwenden, zu drucken und zu reproduzieren. Der Bildnachweis wird bei jeder Nutzung erbracht.

Über die Fotogalerie Friedrichshain

Die 1985 gegründete Fotogalerie Friedrichshain ist die älteste Galerie für Fotografie in Ostdeutschland und eine der ersten in Berlin. Neben Ausstellungen berühmter deutscher Fotografen wie Helga Paris, Arno Fischer, Sybille Bergemann, Harald Hauswald und Ute Mahler hat die Fotogalerie Friedrichshain auch die Werke der international bekannten Fotografen Gordon Parks, Sebastiao Salgado, Tina Modotti, Cecil Beaton und Imogen Cunningham gezeigt. Jährlich besuchen etwa 5000-10000 Menschen die Ausstellungen. Die Fotogalerie Friedrichshain ist eine gemeinnützige Einrichtung zur Förderung von Sozial- und Bildungsprogrammen.

Über analogueNOW!

Gegründet im Jahr 2013, ist analogueNOW! eine gemeinnützige Organisation (getragen vom Verein Click e.V.) zur Förderung der zeitgenössischen analogen Fotografie. Von der Kuration von Ausstellungen bis hin zu Dunkelkammer- und Fotografie-Workshops schafft AN! Lern- und
Ausstellungsmöglichkeiten für Künstler und Fotografen vom Anfänger- bis zum Profi-Niveau. AN! arbeitet mit einer Vielzahl von Partnern und Partnerinstitutionen in Berlin, Deutschland und international zusammen. Die Hauptveranstaltung ist das analogueNOW! PhotoWeekend, das alle zwei Jahre in Berlin stattfindet. Gemeinsam mit anderen europäischen Partnerfestivals bauen wir ein Netzwerk der analogen Fotografie über die Grenzen hinweg auf.


International Open Call for analogue photography

Open Call Deadline: January 28th, 2024

Exhibition dates: March 22nd-May 10th, 2024

Following the successful exhibition “Transition” in 2022, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain and analogueNOW! are pleased to announce their second curatorial collaboration, and invite film photographers and artists working with analogue techniques to participate in their upcoming international group exhibition on the theme “Excess”.

The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom – William Blake

In many instances, excess is viewed in a negative light: whether it’s overstepping boundaries like exceeding the speed limit and risking fines, recklessly consuming resources like we do through deforestation and facing severe environmental consequences, or, when associated with pleasure, it often goes hand in hand with feelings of guilt and the potential of peril, or even death.

In our personal lives, excess can manifest as a means of self-harm or self-expression through both the body and the mind. It can be observed in overindulgence in food and alcohol, substance abuse, and even in mental illnesses that are characterized by an excess of emotions that society deems should be “regulated”. Within the realm of analogue photography, excess in light, movement, or exposure time is often considered a hindrance to achieving optimal results, and is regarded as a mistake.

The concept of excess is inherently relative to a norm. While some instances of excess demand our attention to prevent harm, others warrant questioning: who or what determines what is excessive and what aligns with the norm? When should it be respected, and when and how should it be scrutinized or challenged?

Excess can be perceived as a deviation or a problem, but for some, it represents a means of breaking free from societal norms, a pivotal step in one’s life, or a demand for increased freedom. Is it something to be restrained, or could it be the “path to wisdom”?

Participation in the Open Call: Projects and Application

For our upcoming exhibition, we invite artists to delve into the concept of “excess” that surrounds us, whether from a social, environmental, political or intimate perspective, or even within the applied framework of analogue photographic processes.

We give the topic free for interpretation and welcome other readings of the theme. The submitted projects should be recent: either ongoing or completed in the past 5 years maximum. Long-term projects started years ago and recently completed (within the past 5 years) or still ongoing are accepted. In this sense, works that are based on archival material can be submitted. For consideration, projects must involve the use of analogue photographic processes, either entirely or in part. Camera-less photography projects are accepted.

Exhibition dates
March 22, 2024 – May 10, 2024

Submission guidelines
Bitte befolgen Sie die Richtlinien genau.

  • Reichen Sie bis zu 15 Bilder im JPG-Format ein (jeweils 1600 Pixel an der längsten Seite). Die Dateinamen sollten wie folgt benannt sein: nachname-01.jpg, nachname-02.jpg, nachname-03.jpg usw.
  • Ein PDF-Dokument mit Ihren persönlichen Informationen (vollständiger Name, Wohnort, E-Mail, Website/Instagram), einer kurzen Biografie (maximal 50 Wörter) und einer kurzen Künstlererklärung zu Ihrem Beitrag (maximal 150 Wörter).

Senden Sie alle Dateien und das PDF über Wetransfer an

Selected photographers will be notified by February 18th.

  • Payment: the participation to the open call costs 12 Euro per submitted project. There is an early bird price of 7 euro for projects submitted by December 31st. The submission fee must be paid via this website, by purchasing a ticket below. The payment takes place via PayPal.
  • Die gesamte Teilnahmegebühr wird ausschließlich zur Finanzierung der Honorare der ausgewählten Künstler:innen verwendet.

Falls Sie Fragen haben oder eine Klärung zum Einreichungsverfahren benötigen, schreiben Sie uns bitte: oder

Exhibition prints

To enter the exhibition, selected photographers can either:

  • Ship or personally deliver the exhibition prints to Fotogalerie Friedrichshain. The expenses for shipping the prints to the gallery (and from the gallery back to the artist at the end of the exhibition) are the responsibility of the artists.
  • Or have their images printed in Berlin by Fotogalerie Friedrichshain. Printing fees will be billed to the artists.

Selected photographers will receive instructions on shipping their images or on submitting their high-res digital files for printing. Framing options must be discussed before shipping. Fotogalerie Friedrichshain has a wide array of frames available.

Use rights

Photographers retain full rights to their own images. Photographers whose submission is selected grant Fotogalerie Friedrichshain and analogueNOW! the nonexclusive right to use, print, and reproduce their images for the purpose of promoting the artists, the exhibition and its related programs, and subsequent display on Fotogalerie Friedrichshain and analogueNOW!’s websites, social media and online exhibition channels. Image credits will be provided with any use.

About Fotogalerie Friedrichshain

Founded in 1985, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain is the oldest gallery dedicated to photography in East Germany, and one of the first in Berlin. Alongside exhibitions of famous German photographers, such as Helga Paris, Arno Fischer, Sybille Bergemann, Harald Hauswald, Ute Mahler, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain has shown the works of internationally acclaimed photographers Gordon Parks, Sebastiao Salgado, Tina Modotti, Cecil Beaton, and Imogen Cunningham. Around 5000-10000 people visit its exhibitions yearly. Fotogalerie Friedrichshain is a non-profit institution fostering social and educational programs.

About analogueNOW!

Founded in 2013, analogueNOW! (AN!) is a nonprofit organization for the flourishment of contemporary analogue photography.  From the curation of exhibitions to darkroom and photography workshops AN! creates learning and exhibition opportunities for artists and photographers from beginner to professional levels. AN! collaborates with a wide range of partners and partner institutions in Berlin, Germany and internationally. The main event is the analogueNOW! PhotoWeekend which takes place every second year in Berlin. Together with other European partner festivals, we build a network of analogue photography across borders.


International Open Call for analogue photography

Open Call Deadline: January 28th, 2024

Exhibition dates: March 22nd-May 10th, 2024

Following the successful exhibition “Transition” in 2022, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain and analogueNOW! are pleased to announce their second curatorial collaboration, and invite film photographers and artists working with analogue techniques to participate in their upcoming international group exhibition on the theme “Excess”.

The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom – William Blake

In many instances, excess is viewed in a negative light: whether it’s overstepping boundaries like exceeding the speed limit and risking fines, recklessly consuming resources like we do through deforestation and facing severe environmental consequences, or, when associated with pleasure, it often goes hand in hand with feelings of guilt and the potential of peril, or even death.

In our personal lives, excess can manifest as a means of self-harm or self-expression through both the body and the mind. It can be observed in overindulgence in food and alcohol, substance abuse, and even in mental illnesses that are characterized by an excess of emotions that society deems should be “regulated”. Within the realm of analogue photography, excess in light, movement, or exposure time is often considered a hindrance to achieving optimal results, and is regarded as a mistake.

The concept of excess is inherently relative to a norm. While some instances of excess demand our attention to prevent harm, others warrant questioning: who or what determines what is excessive and what aligns with the norm? When should it be respected, and when and how should it be scrutinized or challenged?

Excess can be perceived as a deviation or a problem, but for some, it represents a means of breaking free from societal norms, a pivotal step in one’s life, or a demand for increased freedom. Is it something to be restrained, or could it be the “path to wisdom”?

Participation in the Open Call: Projects and Application

For our upcoming exhibition, we invite artists to delve into the concept of “excess” that surrounds us, whether from a social, environmental, political or intimate perspective, or even within the applied framework of analogue photographic processes.

We give the topic free for interpretation and welcome other readings of the theme. The submitted projects should be recent: either ongoing or completed in the past 5 years maximum. Long-term projects started years ago and recently completed (within the past 5 years) or still ongoing are accepted. In this sense, works that are based on archival material can be submitted. For consideration, projects must involve the use of analogue photographic processes, either entirely or in part. Camera-less photography projects are accepted.

Exhibition dates
March 22, 2024 – May 10, 2024

Submission guidelines
Bitte befolgen Sie die Richtlinien genau.

  • Reichen Sie bis zu 15 Bilder im JPG-Format ein (jeweils 1600 Pixel an der längsten Seite). Die Dateinamen sollten wie folgt benannt sein: nachname-01.jpg, nachname-02.jpg, nachname-03.jpg usw.
  • Ein PDF-Dokument mit Ihren persönlichen Informationen (vollständiger Name, Wohnort, E-Mail, Website/Instagram), einer kurzen Biografie (maximal 50 Wörter) und einer kurzen Künstlererklärung zu Ihrem Beitrag (maximal 150 Wörter).

Senden Sie alle Dateien und das PDF über Wetransfer an

Selected photographers will be notified by February 18th.

  • Payment: the participation to the open call costs 12 Euro per submitted project. There is an early bird price of 7 euro for projects submitted by December 31st. The submission fee must be paid via this website, by purchasing a ticket below. The payment takes place via PayPal.
  • Die gesamte Teilnahmegebühr wird ausschließlich zur Finanzierung der Honorare der ausgewählten Künstler:innen verwendet.

Falls Sie Fragen haben oder eine Klärung zum Einreichungsverfahren benötigen, schreiben Sie uns bitte: oder

Exhibition prints

To enter the exhibition, selected photographers can either:

  • Ship or personally deliver the exhibition prints to Fotogalerie Friedrichshain. The expenses for shipping the prints to the gallery (and from the gallery back to the artist at the end of the exhibition) are the responsibility of the artists.
  • Or have their images printed in Berlin by Fotogalerie Friedrichshain. Printing fees will be billed to the artists.

Selected photographers will receive instructions on shipping their images or on submitting their high-res digital files for printing. Framing options must be discussed before shipping. Fotogalerie Friedrichshain has a wide array of frames available.

Use rights

Photographers retain full rights to their own images. Photographers whose submission is selected grant Fotogalerie Friedrichshain and analogueNOW! the nonexclusive right to use, print, and reproduce their images for the purpose of promoting the artists, the exhibition and its related programs, and subsequent display on Fotogalerie Friedrichshain and analogueNOW!’s websites, social media and online exhibition channels. Image credits will be provided with any use.

About Fotogalerie Friedrichshain

Founded in 1985, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain is the oldest gallery dedicated to photography in East Germany, and one of the first in Berlin. Alongside exhibitions of famous German photographers, such as Helga Paris, Arno Fischer, Sybille Bergemann, Harald Hauswald, Ute Mahler, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain has shown the works of internationally acclaimed photographers Gordon Parks, Sebastiao Salgado, Tina Modotti, Cecil Beaton, and Imogen Cunningham. Around 5000-10000 people visit its exhibitions yearly. Fotogalerie Friedrichshain is a non-profit institution fostering social and educational programs.

About analogueNOW!

Founded in 2013, analogueNOW! (AN!) is a nonprofit organization for the flourishment of contemporary analogue photography.  From the curation of exhibitions to darkroom and photography workshops AN! creates learning and exhibition opportunities for artists and photographers from beginner to professional levels. AN! collaborates with a wide range of partners and partner institutions in Berlin, Germany and internationally. The main event is the analogueNOW! PhotoWeekend which takes place every second year in Berlin. Together with other European partner festivals, we build a network of analogue photography across borders.




International Open Call for analogue photography

Open Call Deadline: January 28th, 2024

Exhibition dates: March 22nd-May 10th, 2024

Following the successful exhibition “Transition” in 2022, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain and analogueNOW! are pleased to announce their second curatorial collaboration, and invite film photographers and artists working with analogue techniques to participate in their upcoming international group exhibition on the theme “Excess”.

The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom – William Blake

In many instances, excess is viewed in a negative light: whether it’s overstepping boundaries like exceeding the speed limit and risking fines, recklessly consuming resources like we do through deforestation and facing severe environmental consequences, or, when associated with pleasure, it often goes hand in hand with feelings of guilt and the potential of peril, or even death.

In our personal lives, excess can manifest as a means of self-harm or self-expression through both the body and the mind. It can be observed in overindulgence in food and alcohol, substance abuse, and even in mental illnesses that are characterized by an excess of emotions that society deems should be “regulated”. Within the realm of analogue photography, excess in light, movement, or exposure time is often considered a hindrance to achieving optimal results, and is regarded as a mistake.

The concept of excess is inherently relative to a norm. While some instances of excess demand our attention to prevent harm, others warrant questioning: who or what determines what is excessive and what aligns with the norm? When should it be respected, and when and how should it be scrutinized or challenged?

Excess can be perceived as a deviation or a problem, but for some, it represents a means of breaking free from societal norms, a pivotal step in one’s life, or a demand for increased freedom. Is it something to be restrained, or could it be the “path to wisdom”?

Participation in the Open Call: Projects and Application

For our upcoming exhibition, we invite artists to delve into the concept of “excess” that surrounds us, whether from a social, environmental, political or intimate perspective, or even within the applied framework of analogue photographic processes.

We give the topic free for interpretation and welcome other readings of the theme. The submitted projects should be recent: either ongoing or completed in the past 5 years maximum. Long-term projects started years ago and recently completed (within the past 5 years) or still ongoing are accepted. In this sense, works that are based on archival material can be submitted. For consideration, projects must involve the use of analogue photographic processes, either entirely or in part. Camera-less photography projects are accepted.

Exhibition dates
March 22, 2024 – May 10, 2024

Submission guidelines
Bitte befolgen Sie die Richtlinien genau.

  • Reichen Sie bis zu 15 Bilder im JPG-Format ein (jeweils 1600 Pixel an der längsten Seite). Die Dateinamen sollten wie folgt benannt sein: nachname-01.jpg, nachname-02.jpg, nachname-03.jpg usw.
  • Ein PDF-Dokument mit Ihren persönlichen Informationen (vollständiger Name, Wohnort, E-Mail, Website/Instagram), einer kurzen Biografie (maximal 50 Wörter) und einer kurzen Künstlererklärung zu Ihrem Beitrag (maximal 150 Wörter).

Senden Sie alle Dateien und das PDF über Wetransfer an

Selected photographers will be notified by February 18th.

  • Payment: the participation to the open call costs 12 Euro per submitted project. There is an early bird price of 7 euro for projects submitted by December 31st. The submission fee must be paid via this website, by purchasing a ticket below. The payment takes place via PayPal.
  • Die gesamte Teilnahmegebühr wird ausschließlich zur Finanzierung der Honorare der ausgewählten Künstler:innen verwendet.

Falls Sie Fragen haben oder eine Klärung zum Einreichungsverfahren benötigen, schreiben Sie uns bitte: oder

Exhibition prints

To enter the exhibition, selected photographers can either:

  • Ship or personally deliver the exhibition prints to Fotogalerie Friedrichshain. The expenses for shipping the prints to the gallery (and from the gallery back to the artist at the end of the exhibition) are the responsibility of the artists.
  • Or have their images printed in Berlin by Fotogalerie Friedrichshain. Printing fees will be billed to the artists.

Selected photographers will receive instructions on shipping their images or on submitting their high-res digital files for printing. Framing options must be discussed before shipping. Fotogalerie Friedrichshain has a wide array of frames available.

Use rights

Photographers retain full rights to their own images. Photographers whose submission is selected grant Fotogalerie Friedrichshain and analogueNOW! the nonexclusive right to use, print, and reproduce their images for the purpose of promoting the artists, the exhibition and its related programs, and subsequent
display on Fotogalerie Friedrichshain and analogueNOW!’s websites, social media and online exhibition channels. Image credits will be provided with any use.

About Fotogalerie Friedrichshain

Founded in 1985, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain is the oldest gallery dedicated to photography in East Germany, and one of the first in Berlin. Alongside exhibitions of famous German photographers, such as Helga Paris, Arno Fischer, Sybille Bergemann, Harald Hauswald, Ute Mahler, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain has shown the works of internationally acclaimed photographers Gordon Parks, Sebastiao Salgado, Tina Modotti, Cecil Beaton, and Imogen Cunningham. Around 5000-10000 people visit its exhibitions yearly. Fotogalerie Friedrichshain is a non-profit institution fostering social and educational programs.

About analogueNOW!

Founded in 2013, analogueNOW! (AN!) is a nonprofit organization for the flourishment of contemporary analogue photography.  From the curation of exhibitions to darkroom and photography workshops AN! creates learning and exhibition opportunities for artists and photographers from beginner to professional levels. AN! collaborates with a wide range of partners and partner institutions in Berlin, Germany and internationally. The main event is the analogueNOW! PhotoWeekend which takes place every second year in Berlin. Together with other European partner festivals, we build a network of analogue photography across borders.


International Open Call for analogue photography

Open Call Deadline: January 28th, 2024

Exhibition dates: March 22nd-May 10th, 2024

Following the successful exhibition “Transition” in 2022, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain and analogueNOW! are pleased to announce their second curatorial collaboration, and invite film photographers and artists working with analogue techniques to participate in their upcoming international group exhibition on the theme “Excess”.

The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom – William Blake

In many instances, excess is viewed in a negative light: whether it’s overstepping boundaries like exceeding the speed limit and risking fines, recklessly consuming resources like we do through deforestation and facing severe environmental consequences, or, when associated with pleasure, it often goes hand in hand with feelings of guilt and the potential of peril, or even death.

In our personal lives, excess can manifest as a means of self-harm or self-expression through both the body and the mind. It can be observed in overindulgence in food and alcohol, substance abuse, and even in mental illnesses that are characterized by an excess of emotions that society deems should be “regulated”. Within the realm of analogue photography, excess in light, movement, or exposure time is often considered a hindrance to achieving optimal results, and is regarded as a mistake.

The concept of excess is inherently relative to a norm. While some instances of excess demand our attention to prevent harm, others warrant questioning: who or what determines what is excessive and what aligns with the norm? When should it be respected, and when and how should it be scrutinized or challenged?

Excess can be perceived as a deviation or a problem, but for some, it represents a means of breaking free from societal norms, a pivotal step in one’s life, or a demand for increased freedom. Is it something to be restrained, or could it be the “path to wisdom”?

Participation in the Open Call: Projects and Application

For our upcoming exhibition, we invite artists to delve into the concept of “excess” that surrounds us, whether from a social, environmental, political or intimate perspective, or even within the applied framework of analogue photographic processes.

We give the topic free for interpretation and welcome other readings of the theme. The submitted projects should be recent: either ongoing or completed in the past 5 years maximum. Long-term projects started years ago and recently completed (within the past 5 years) or still ongoing are accepted. In this sense, works that are based on archival material can be submitted. For consideration, projects must involve the use of analogue photographic processes, either entirely or in part. Camera-less photography projects are accepted.

Exhibition dates
March 22, 2024 – May 10, 2024

Submission guidelines
Bitte befolgen Sie die Richtlinien genau.

  • Reichen Sie bis zu 15 Bilder im JPG-Format ein (jeweils 1600 Pixel an der längsten Seite). Die Dateinamen sollten wie folgt benannt sein: nachname-01.jpg, nachname-02.jpg, nachname-03.jpg usw.
  • Ein PDF-Dokument mit Ihren persönlichen Informationen (vollständiger Name, Wohnort, E-Mail, Website/Instagram), einer kurzen Biografie (maximal 50 Wörter) und einer kurzen Künstlererklärung zu Ihrem Beitrag (maximal 150 Wörter).

Senden Sie alle Dateien und das PDF über Wetransfer an

Selected photographers will be notified by February 18th.

  • Payment: the participation to the open call costs 12 Euro per submitted project. There is an early bird price of 7 euro for projects submitted by December 31st. The submission fee must be paid via this website, by purchasing a ticket below. The payment takes place via PayPal.
  • Die gesamte Teilnahmegebühr wird ausschließlich zur Finanzierung der Honorare der ausgewählten Künstler:innen verwendet.

Falls Sie Fragen haben oder eine Klärung zum Einreichungsverfahren benötigen, schreiben Sie uns bitte: oder

Exhibition prints

To enter the exhibition, selected photographers can either:

  • Ship or personally deliver the exhibition prints to Fotogalerie Friedrichshain. The expenses for shipping the prints to the gallery (and from the gallery back to the artist at the end of the exhibition) are the responsibility of the artists.
  • Or have their images printed in Berlin by Fotogalerie Friedrichshain. Printing fees will be billed to the artists.

Selected photographers will receive instructions on shipping their images or on submitting their high-res digital files for printing. Framing options must be discussed before shipping. Fotogalerie Friedrichshain has a wide array of frames available.

Use rights

Photographers retain full rights to their own images. Photographers whose submission is selected grant Fotogalerie Friedrichshain and analogueNOW! the nonexclusive right to use, print, and reproduce their images for the purpose of promoting the artists, the exhibition and its related programs, and subsequent
display on Fotogalerie Friedrichshain and analogueNOW!’s websites, social media and online exhibition channels. Image credits will be provided with any use.

About Fotogalerie Friedrichshain

Founded in 1985, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain is the oldest gallery dedicated to photography in East Germany, and one of the first in Berlin. Alongside exhibitions of famous German photographers, such as Helga Paris, Arno Fischer, Sybille Bergemann, Harald Hauswald, Ute Mahler, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain has shown the works of internationally acclaimed photographers Gordon Parks, Sebastiao Salgado, Tina Modotti, Cecil Beaton, and Imogen Cunningham. Around 5000-10000 people visit its exhibitions yearly. Fotogalerie Friedrichshain is a non-profit institution fostering social and educational programs.

About analogueNOW!

Founded in 2013, analogueNOW! (AN!) is a nonprofit organization for the flourishment of contemporary analogue photography.  From the curation of exhibitions to darkroom and photography workshops AN! creates learning and exhibition opportunities for artists and photographers from beginner to professional levels. AN! collaborates with a wide range of partners and partner institutions in Berlin, Germany and internationally. The main event is the analogueNOW! PhotoWeekend which takes place every second year in Berlin. Together with other European partner festivals, we build a network of analogue photography across borders.


International Open Call for analogue photography

Open Call Deadline: January 28th, 2024

Exhibition dates: March 22nd-May 10th, 2024

Following the successful exhibition “Transition” in 2022, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain and analogueNOW! are pleased to announce their second curatorial collaboration, and invite film photographers and artists working with analogue techniques to participate in their upcoming international group exhibition on the theme “Excess”.

The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom – William Blake

In many instances, excess is viewed in a negative light: whether it’s overstepping boundaries like exceeding the speed limit and risking fines, recklessly consuming resources like we do through deforestation and facing severe environmental consequences, or, when associated with pleasure, it often goes hand in hand with feelings of guilt and the potential of peril, or even death.

In our personal lives, excess can manifest as a means of self-harm or self-expression through both the body and the mind. It can be observed in overindulgence in food and alcohol, substance abuse, and even in mental illnesses that are characterized by an excess of emotions that society deems should be “regulated”. Within the realm of analogue photography, excess in light, movement, or exposure time is often considered a hindrance to achieving optimal results, and is regarded as a mistake.

The concept of excess is inherently relative to a norm. While some instances of excess demand our attention to prevent harm, others warrant questioning: who or what determines what is excessive and what aligns with the norm? When should it be respected, and when and how should it be scrutinized or challenged?

Excess can be perceived as a deviation or a problem, but for some, it represents a means of breaking free from societal norms, a pivotal step in one’s life, or a demand for increased freedom. Is it something to be restrained, or could it be the “path to wisdom”?

Participation in the Open Call: Projects and Application

For our upcoming exhibition, we invite artists to delve into the concept of “excess” that surrounds us, whether from a social, environmental, political or intimate perspective, or even within the applied framework of analogue photographic processes.

We give the topic free for interpretation and welcome other readings of the theme. The submitted projects should be recent: either ongoing or completed in the past 5 years maximum. Long-term projects started years ago and recently completed (within the past 5 years) or still ongoing are accepted. In this sense, works that are based on archival material can be submitted. For consideration, projects must involve the use of analogue photographic processes, either entirely or in part. Camera-less photography projects are accepted.

Exhibition dates
March 22, 2024 – May 10, 2024

Submission guidelines
Bitte befolgen Sie die Richtlinien genau.

  • Reichen Sie bis zu 15 Bilder im JPG-Format ein (jeweils 1600 Pixel an der längsten Seite). Die Dateinamen sollten wie folgt benannt sein: nachname-01.jpg, nachname-02.jpg, nachname-03.jpg usw.
  • Ein PDF-Dokument mit Ihren persönlichen Informationen (vollständiger Name, Wohnort, E-Mail, Website/Instagram), einer kurzen Biografie (maximal 50 Wörter) und einer kurzen Künstlererklärung zu Ihrem Beitrag (maximal 150 Wörter).

Senden Sie alle Dateien und das PDF über Wetransfer an

Selected photographers will be notified by February 18th.

  • Payment: the participation to the open call costs 12 Euro per submitted project. There is an early bird price of 7 euro for projects submitted by December 31st. The submission fee must be paid via this website, by purchasing a ticket below. The payment takes place via PayPal.
  • Die gesamte Teilnahmegebühr wird ausschließlich zur Finanzierung der Honorare der ausgewählten Künstler:innen verwendet.

Falls Sie Fragen haben oder eine Klärung zum Einreichungsverfahren benötigen, schreiben Sie uns bitte: oder

Exhibition prints

To enter the exhibition, selected photographers can either:

  • Ship or personally deliver the exhibition prints to Fotogalerie Friedrichshain. The expenses for shipping the prints to the gallery (and from the gallery back to the artist at the end of the exhibition) are the responsibility of the artists.
  • Or have their images printed in Berlin by Fotogalerie Friedrichshain. Printing fees will be billed to the artists.

Selected photographers will receive instructions on shipping their images or on submitting their high-res digital files for printing. Framing options must be discussed before shipping. Fotogalerie Friedrichshain has a wide array of frames available.

Use rights

Photographers retain full rights to their own images. Photographers whose submission is selected grant Fotogalerie Friedrichshain and analogueNOW! the nonexclusive right to use, print, and reproduce their images for the purpose of promoting the artists, the exhibition and its related programs, and subsequent
display on Fotogalerie Friedrichshain and analogueNOW!’s websites, social media and online exhibition channels. Image credits will be provided with any use.

About Fotogalerie Friedrichshain

Founded in 1985, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain is the oldest gallery dedicated to photography in East Germany, and one of the first in Berlin. Alongside exhibitions of famous German photographers, such as Helga Paris, Arno Fischer, Sybille Bergemann, Harald Hauswald, Ute Mahler, Fotogalerie Friedrichshain has shown the works of internationally acclaimed photographers Gordon Parks, Sebastiao Salgado, Tina Modotti, Cecil Beaton, and Imogen Cunningham. Around 5000-10000 people visit its exhibitions yearly. Fotogalerie Friedrichshain is a non-profit institution fostering social and educational programs.

About analogueNOW!

Founded in 2013, analogueNOW! (AN!) is a nonprofit organization for the flourishment of contemporary analogue photography.  From the curation of exhibitions to darkroom and photography workshops AN! creates learning and exhibition opportunities for artists and photographers from beginner to professional levels. AN! collaborates with a wide range of partners and partner institutions in Berlin, Germany and internationally. The main event is the analogueNOW! PhotoWeekend which takes place every second year in Berlin. Together with other European partner festivals, we build a network of analogue photography across borders.


{:en}Lecture: Slow Händwörk in de Atteljäh änd in de Dunkälkammer{:}{:de}Vortrag: Slow Händwörk in de Atteljäh änd in de Dunkälkammer{:}


Lecturer: Antje Kröger
Date Time:
Location: festival site

Oh three hearts beat between my breasts. Heart No ONE: The Storytelling, Heart No TWO: The Light and Composition Crazy, Heart No THREE: The Craftsmanship.

Aesthetics that reach into a time that was even slower – I always try to create this in my pictures. When slow living was not just a phrase for reflection and inner contemplation, but an inevitability of every life. My work is a slow process anyway. It takes time to feel the person in front of the camera. This time also gets the craft, my third heart. Slow handwork in the Atteljäh änd in the darkroom! Each sputum is an artifact, marked by cracks, shadows and blurs. Imponderables that take the control away from the creator of the picture, but in return the result is flawed in the untrained and unfree eye, but gives the wide field of vision freedom of interpretation and attraction.
The material requires similar attention as subject, composition and light. Balancing all of this is a slow learning process in which patience and commitment to the process of creation can create a multi-sound that resonates longer. The allure of the rugged, the twists and turns that can only be influenced to a limited extent, the questions of the ambiguous. Bringing ambiguities to light is what I would like to devote myself to with my analog photography.


Why master the analogue craft?
Why improvisation promotes a leap in quality?
What role do coincidence, decay and time play?
Where do all the materials come from & are the costs for analogue photography still affordable for artists?
What does long-suffering, waiting and learning feel like?
What do mistakes, mishaps & unpredictability mean?
How harmful are chemicals to me and my environment?
Why is there ever a fire in the large format camera?
Why is it worth lugging around analog technology when the best camera is said to be the one you always have with you?
What are analogue/digital remixes?


Dozentin: Antje Kröger
Datum / Zeit:
Ort: Festivalgelände

Ach drei Herzen schlagen zwischen meinen Brüsten. Herz No ONE: Das Geschichtenerzählende, Herz No TWO: Das Licht- und Kompositionsverrückte, Herz No THREE: Das Handwerkliche.

Ästhetik, die in eine Zeit reicht, die noch langsamer war – stets versuche ich in meinen Bildern diese zu erzeugen. Als slow living nicht nur eine Floskel zur Rückbesinnung und für innere Einkehr war, sondern eine Unumgänglichkeit jedes Lebens darstellte. Ein langsamer Prozess ist meine Arbeit ohnehin. Den Menschen vor der Kamera zu erfühlen, dafür braucht es Zeit. Diese Zeit bekommt nun auch das Handwerk, mein drittes Herz. Slow Händwörk in de Atteljäh änd in de Dunkälkammer! Jeder Auswurf ein Artefakt, gezeichnet von Rissen, Schattierungen und Unschärfen. Unwägbarkeiten, die dem Bildschaffenden die Kontrolle nehmen, dafür dem Ergebnis im ungeübtem und unfreiem Auge Fehlerhaftigkeit, dem weitem Blickfeld aber Interpretationsfreiraum und Anziehung schenken.
Das Material benötigt ähnliche Aufmerksamkeit wie Sujet, Komposition und Licht. All dies in Einklang zu bringen, ist ein langsamer Lernprozess, bei dem Geduld und ein sich Einlassen auf den Entstehungsprozess, einen Mehrklang erzeugen können, der länger nachhallt. Der Reiz des Schroffen, die Wendungen, die zu beeinflussen nur begrenzt möglich sind, die Fragen des Uneindeutigen. Zutage fördern von Uneindeutigkeiten, dem möchte ich mich mit meiner Analogen Fotografie widmen.


Wozu das analoge Handwerk beherrschen?
Warum Improvisation einen Qualitätssprung fördert?
Welche Rolle spielen Zufall, Zerfall und Zeit?
Woher kommen all die Materialien & sind die Kosten für die Analoge Fotografie noch leistbar für Kunstschaffende?
Wie fühlen sich Langmut, Warten und Lernen an?
Was bedeuten Fehler, Missgeschicke & Unvorhersehbarkeiten?
Wie schädlich sind Chemikalien für mich und meine Umwelt?
Warum brennt es schon mal in der Großformatkamera?
Wieso lohnt sich das Schleppen von analoger Technik, wenn doch angeblich die beste Kamera die ist, die mensch immer dabei hat?
Was sind analog/digitale Re-mixe?


{:en}Lecture: “Collecting photographs – the analogue image memory”{:}{:de}Vortrag: “Fotografien sammeln – das analoge Bildgedächtnis“{:}


Dozent: Roland Behrmann
Datum / Zeit: Samstag 3.6. um 17h
Ort: Festivalgelände


Instructor: Roland Behrmann

Date / Time: Saturday June 3 at 5pm
Location: Festival space


Instructor: Roland Behrmann

Date / Time: Saturday June 3 at 5pm
Location: Festival space


{:en}Aristotles Hole – talk pinhole imaging and camera obscura creation{:}{:de}Aristoteles Hole – Talk über Lochkamera-Bilderzeugung und die Erfindung der Camera Obscura{:}


Instructor: Justin Quinnell

Date / Time:
Location: Festival space

Aristotles Hole – talk which covers the history, science and evolution of ‘discovering light, pinhole imaging and camera obscura creation. It then evolves into contemporary approaches to pinhole photography, mainly covering the period before the internet.


Kursleiter: Justin Quinnell
Datum / Zeit:
Ort: Festivalgelände

Aristotles Hole
– Vortrag, der die Geschichte, Wissenschaft und Entwicklung der Entdeckung des Lichts, der Lochkamera-Bilderzeugung und der Erfindung der Camera Obscura behandelt. Bis hin zu zeitgenössischen Ansätzen der Lochkamerafotografie, die hauptsächlich die Zeit vor dem Internet abdecken.


{:en}human, material, moment / 13×18 negative development on paper{:}{:de}Mensch, Material, Moment / 13×18 Negativ-Entwicklung auf Papier{:}


Instructor: Antje Kröger
Date / Time: Sunday 2023.06.04 11am-5pm •
Location: FotografieInBerlin •
Number of participants: max 6 Teilnehmer:innen •
costs p.person: 150€ / 120€* •

Many photographic processes are expensive and/or quite environmentally unfriendly. That’s why I load the cassettes of my beloved DDR-Mentor large format camera directly with photo paper. This is how I photograph my artistic series, and this is what I will show you at this workshop. In the practical part, each of you will produce your own so-called paper negatives with the large format camera. No paper is
bought new. It comes to me from various sources. The procurement of my materials is the first creative process of my work.

Today you get to be creative together with the group. Photograph your fellow workshop participants. Self-portraits are also possible. Together we load the cassettes in the darkroom with the paper, together we discover the old large format camera. I support you with the individual steps of the photo-artistic process of creation. At the end we go to the darkroom to develop the paper negatives. Because in principle this analog process is an instant photo process. You can then hold your work in your hands and, of course, take them home.” — Antje Kröger

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler


Leitung: Antje Kröger
Datum / Uhrzeit: Sonntag 4.6.2023 11-17h •
Ort: FotografieInBerlin •
Teilnehmerzahl: max 6 Teilnehmer:innen •
Preis: 150€ / 120€* •

“Viele fotografische Verfahren sind teuer und/oder ganz schön umweltfeindlich. Deswegen lade ich die Kassetten meiner geliebten DDR-Mentor-Großformat-Kamera direkt mit Fotopapier. So fotografiere ich meine künstlerischen Serien, und dies zeige ich Euch bei diesem Workshop. Im praktischen Teil wird jeder von Euch eigene sogenannte Papiernegative mit der Großformatkamera herstellen. Kein Papier ist neu gekauft. Es kommt aus verschiedenen Quellen zu mir. Die Besorgung meiner Materialien ist der erste Kreativprozess meiner Arbeit.

Heute darfst Du zusammen mit der Gruppe kreativ sein. Fotografiere Deine Mitworkshopteilnehmer*innen. Auch Selbstporträts sind möglich. Zusammen beladen wir die Kassetten in der Dunkelkammer mit dem Papier, zusammen entdecken wir die alte Großformatkamera. Ich unterstütze Euch bei den einzelnen Schritten des fotokünstlerischen Entstehungsprozesses. Am Ende gehen wir in die Dunkelkammer, um die Papiernegative zu entwickeln. Denn im Prinzip ist dieser analoge Prozess ein Sofortbildverfahren. Ihr könnt Eure Werke anschließend in den Händen halten und natürlich mit nach Hause nehmen.” — Antje Kröger

(*) Ermäßigung ist möglich für Schwerbehinderte, SchülerInnen, BerufsschülerInnen, Studierende, Auszubildende, RentnerInnen, Arbeitslose, BFDler und FKJler


{:en}Analogue vintage portraits{:}{:de}Analoge Vintage Porträts{:}


Instructor: Sabine Alex

Date / Time: Saturday 03.06.2023, 12am-2pm and 3pm-5pm
Location: Festival room, mobile duka
costs: 10€ per photo/ each additional print 5€*

Like in a photo booth, you can have an analogue portrait of yourself. Photographs are taken with an analogue large format camera. The photo is developed live together with you in the mobile darkroom bus and you then hold your individual black and white photo in your hands.

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler


Dozentin: Sabine Alex
Datum / Zeit: Samstag 03.06.2023, 12-14h & 15-17h
Location: Festival Raum, mobile duka •
Kosten: 10€ per photo/ jedes weitere 5€* •

Wie in einem Fotoautomaten können Sie sich analog porträtieren. Fotografiert wird mit einer analogen Großformatkamera. Das Foto wird gemeinsam mit Ihnen im mobilen Dunkelkammerbus live entwickelt und Sie halten anschließend Ihr individuelles Schwarz-Weiß-Foto in den Händen.

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler


{:en}TinType Portraits{:}{:de}TinType Portraits{:}


Photographer: Maximilian Zeitler

Date / Time: Sunday 04.06.2023 at 10am-4pm
Location: Festival space
Cost p.person: 50€ / 40€*

Are you ready to step back in time and experience the magic of traditional photography? Join us for a Tintype Portrait Session with photographer Maximilian Zeitler at analogueNOW! on June 4th.

Using a 4×5″ large format camera, Max will create a Tintype portrait with you. The result is a one-of-a-kind, stunning image that you and your loved ones will cherish for a lifetime. Don’t miss this unforgettable opportunity to create a timeless portrait using a traditional photographic process. Limited spots are available, so book your session now and secure your place.

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler


Photographer: Maximilian Zeitler
Date / Time: Sunday 04.06.2023 at 10am-4pm •
Location: Festival space •
Cost p.person: 50€ / 40€* •

Are you ready to step back in time and experience the magic of traditional photography? Join us for a Tintype Portrait Session with photographer Maximilian Zeitler at analogueNOW! on June 4th.

Using a 4×5″ large format camera, Max will create a Tintype portrait with you. The result is a one-of-a-kind, stunning image that you and your loved ones will cherish for a lifetime. Don’t miss this unforgettable opportunity to create a timeless portrait using a traditional photographic process. Limited spots are available, so book your session now and secure your place.

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler




Instructor: Sabine Alex
Date / Time: Sunday 04.06.2023 at 10am-3pm •
Location: Mobile Duka •
Number of participants: max 3 (age 16+) •
Cost p.person: 150€ / 120€* •

Photo paper has a light-sensitive layer – the emulsion. In this workshop you will learn how to bring the emulsion to an absorbent carrier material and use it like photographic paper after drying. Photographic images will be created on wood, cardboard and fabric. The attractive thing is the interaction of the graphic character of the photograph and the structure and color of the carrier material.

Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie 2017 | Mobile Dunkelkammer | FOTO. Lys Y. Seng

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler


Leitung: Sabine Alex
Datum / Uhrzeit: Sonntag 04.06.2023 um 10-15h •
Ort: Mobile Duka •
Teilnehmerzahl: max 3 Teilnehmer:innen •
Preis: 150€ / 120€* •

Fotopapier besitzt eine lichtempfindliche Schicht – die Emulsion. In diesem Workshop vermittelt, wie man die Emulsion auf ein saugfähiges Trägermaterial auftragen und dieses nach dem Trocknen wie ein Fotopapier verwenden kann. Es entstehen fotografische Darstellungen auf Holz, Pappe und Stoff. Das Reizvolle ist das Zusammenspiel des grafischen Charakters der Fotografie und der Struktur und Farbe des Trägermaterials.

Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie 2017 | Mobile Dunkelkammer | FOTO. Lys Y. Seng

(*) Ermäßigung ist möglich für Schwerbehinderte, SchülerInnen, BerufsschülerInnen, Studierende, Auszubildende, RentnerInnen, Arbeitslose, BFDler und FKJler


{:en}Two colored Cyanotype{:}{:de}2-farbige Cyanotopie{:}


Instructor: Sehera Nawaz
Date / Time: Friday 02.06.2023 — 1pm – 5pm •
Location: Mahlowerstr. 1, 12049 Berlin •
Teilnehmerzahl: max 6 Teilnehmer:innen •
Preis: 120€ / 96€* •

Cyanotype is an old analogue photo printing technique developed in 1842. Instead of silver grains – as in the classical black/white-photography – one develops very stable pigments in prussian blue (or berlin blue). Also: one only needs water for the fixation and the chemicals are in most concentrations nontoxic for the environment and yourself.
This course will focus on printing two colored Cyanotypes. You will be able to print your own Photo and experiment with color variants and toning.
Even if you have expeirance in printing Cyanotypes, this course can be very interesting for you.

(*) Reduction is possible for the severely disabled, pupils, vocational school students, students, trainees, pensioners, the unemployed, BFDler and FKJler


Leitung: Sehera Nawaz
Datum / Uhrzeit: Freitag 02.06.2023 — 13-17 Uhr •
Ort: Mahlowerstr. 1, 12049 Berlin •
Teilnehmerzahl: max 6 Teilnehmer:innen •
Preis: 120€ / 96€* •

Die Cyanotypie ist ein altes analoges Fotodruckverfahren, das 1842 entwickelt wurde. Anstelle von Silberkörnern – wie in der klassischen Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografie – entwickelt man sehr stabile Pigmente in Preußischblau (oder Berliner Blau). Außerdem: Man braucht nur Wasser für die Fixierung und die Chemikalien sind in den meisten Konzentrationen ungiftig für die Umwelt und einen selbst.

Dieser Kurs konzentriert sich auf den Druck von zweifarbigen Cyanotypien. Ihr könnt Euer eigenes Foto drucken und mit Farbvarianten und Tönungen experimentieren.
Auch wenn Du Erfahrung im Druck von Cyanotypien hast, kann dieser Kurs sehr interessant für Dich sein.

(*) Ermäßigung ist möglich für Schwerbehinderte, SchülerInnen, BerufsschülerInnen, Studierende, Auszubildende, RentnerInnen, Arbeitslose, BFDler und FKJler
