{:en}hase – Between A Rock And A Soft Place{:}{:de}hase – Between A Rock and A Soft Place{:}
hase, Weisestraße 22. You want to borrow a skate board for the day at Tempelhofer Feld? Or a film camera, or both? Go to hase!
Luca Vincenzo
An infinite gaze upon the the ephemeral flower, the heightened sense of a fleeting life unfolding. An invitation to look closer; close enough to render detail superfluous as focus succumbs to feeling. Something about forgiveness being the fragrance left behind by flowers when they are crushed. And so it goes.
Jascha Müller-Guthof
Jascha welcomes Luca to Hase and sets the petal kingdom and its ephemerality next to the mere permanence of rocks (you want to climb). A contrast in transience.
A riso & mixed media exhibition.
{:}{:de}hase, Weisestraße 22. You want to borrow a skate board for the day at Tempelhofer Feld? Or a film camera, or both? Go to hase!
Luca Vincenzo
An infinite gaze upon the the ephemeral flower, the heightened sense of a fleeting life unfolding. An invitation to look closer; close enough to render detail superfluous as focus succumbs to feeling. Something about forgiveness being the fragrance left behind by flowers when they are crushed. And so it goes.
Jascha Müller-Guthof
Jascha welcomes Luca to Hase and sets the petal kingdom and its ephemerality next to the mere permanence of rocks (you want to climb). A contrast in transience.
A riso & mixed media exhibition.
{:}{:}{:de}hase, Weisestraße 22. You want to borrow a skate board for the day at Tempelhofer Feld? Or a film camera, or both? Go to hase!
Luca Vincenzo
An infinite gaze upon the the ephemeral flower, the heightened sense of a fleeting life unfolding. An invitation to look closer; close enough to render detail superfluous as focus succumbs to feeling. Something about forgiveness being the fragrance left behind by flowers when they are crushed. And so it goes.
Jascha Müller-Guthof
Jascha welcomes Luca to Hase and sets the petal kingdom and its ephemerality next to the mere permanence of rocks (you want to climb). A contrast in transience.
A riso & mixed media exhibition.