{:de}Boden Chromatographie: Eine foto-chemische Spurensuche{:}{:en}Soil Chromatography: A Photo-Chemical Exploration of the Earth {:}


Mit Aindreas Scholz

In diesem Workshop erlebt ihr Fotografie mal ganz anders, denn er verbindet wissenschaftliche Analyse mit künstlerischer Erkundung. 

Die Boden-Chromatographie ist eine Methode, um die Eigenschaften des Bodens sichtbar zu machen. Mit Hilfe von lichtsensiblen Chemikalien aus der analogen Fotografie und speziellem Filterpapier werden Erdproben auf ihre Zusammensetzung untersucht. Landwirte erkennen an den Farben, Mustern und Strukturen der Ergebnisse, wie lebendig und fruchtbar der Boden ist.

Teilnehmende sind eingeladen, eigene Erdproben von verschiedenen Orten mitzubringen und diese im Kurs zu untersuchen.

Folgende Inhalte erwarten euch:

  • Einführung in die Geschichte der Boden-Chromatographie
  • Vorbereiten der Lösungen
  • Herstellung von Bodenextrakten
  • Arbeit mit dem Filterpapier
  • Interpretation, Bewertung und Diskussion

Sonntag 25. Mai | 11-14h

Dauer: 3 Stunden

Minimale Teilnehmer*innenzahl: 5

Maximale Teilnehmer*innenzahl: 12


Instagram: @aindreasscholz


With Aindreas Scholz

In this workshop, you’ll experience photography in a completely new way, as it combines scientific analysis with artistic exploration.

Soil chromatography is a method used to make the properties of soil visible. By using light-sensitive chemicals from analog photography and special filter paper, soil samples are analyzed for their composition. Farmers can interpret the colors, patterns, and structures of the results to understand how healthy and fertile the soil is.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own soil samples from different locations to examine them during the course.

What to expect:

  • Introduction to the history of soil chromatography
  • Preparing the solutions
  • Creating soil extracts
  • Working with filter paper
  • Interpretation, evaluation, and discussion

Sunday May 25 | 11-14h

Duration: 3 hours

Minimum number of participants: 5

Maximum number of participants: 12


Instagram: @aindreasscholz


With Aindreas Scholz

In this workshop, you’ll experience photography in a completely new way, as it combines scientific analysis with artistic exploration.

Soil chromatography is a method used to make the properties of soil visible. By using light-sensitive chemicals from analog photography and special filter paper, soil samples are analyzed for their composition. Farmers can interpret the colors, patterns, and structures of the results to understand how healthy and fertile the soil is.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own soil samples from different locations to examine them during the course.

What to expect:

  • Introduction to the history of soil chromatography
  • Preparing the solutions
  • Creating soil extracts
  • Working with filter paper
  • Interpretation, evaluation, and discussion

Sunday May 25 | 11-14h

Duration: 3 hours

Minimum number of participants: 5

Maximum number of participants: 12


Instagram: @aindreasscholz
